Weight Loss Fruit Garcinia Cambogia

      Garcinia Cambogia, a fruit harvested from South India, works in two ways to promote healthy weight loss. You can find this Fruit In our Weight Loss Blend! CLICK HERE!!

 A compound called Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in garcinia cambogia is effective at blocking the conversion of sugars and starches into fats thereby inhibiting fat storage. HCA also works to suppress appetite by raising the levels of certain brain chemicals such as serotonin.

Our Super Weight Loss Blend with the Garcinia Cambogia Extract, taken daily, with exercise, and a whole food diet will show immediate results by 22 days! 

To Learn More, if you prefer videos over reading, check out this awesome episode with Dr. Oz & Oprah on Garcinia Cambogia!

Garcinia Cambogia works by raising the natural serotonin levels of your brain, the natural chemical in our bodies that regulates mood. When a person eats carbohydrates, amino acids are pulled out of your blood to break down the sugar. During this process, room is created in the brain for chemicals used to create neurotransmitters like serotonin.

     In essence, the brain eventually knows that eating carbohydrates will stimulate these neurotransmitters and provide a feeling of happiness for the moment. This can often lead to the binge eating of carbohydrates. GarciniaCambogia naturally enhances serotonin without the need of eating carbohydrates allowing you to feel happy and satisfied.

    Our Garcinia Cambogia Powder comes from the forests of Southern India and has been used for thousands of years in the Orient as a dietary supplement. This superfruit is now being used in the West as a new revolutionary way to fight hunger, promote weight loss through appetite control and naturally boost energy levels. 

      Garcinia Cambogia also helps to boost energy levels by reducing the body's ability to make and store new fat so that previously stored fat is burned off instead and at the same time lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. In the same way, Garcinia Cambogia inhibits the effects of the liver enzyme ATP Cytrate Lyase which is responsible for turning carbohydrates into stored fat, therefore burning off carbohydrates quickly. 

    Calories are then converted into glycogen, the body's natural energy source. People taking Garcinia Cambogia find that they no longer crave fattening foods and enjoy a healthier, nutritious low carb diet. With no known side effects by using Garcinia Cambogia, people no longer need to use stimulants such as caffeine or xenadrine which can cause anxiety, nervousness or insomnia to battle the sluggish feeling commonly associated with a low carb diet.

    Because of the natural increase of serotonin levels, Garcinia Cambogia has been known to help people succeed in an combined weight loss and exercise program because they naturally feel happy and energetic!

    Garcinia Cambogia also has other amazing qualities and is utilized as an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-viral agent. This can help to combat the illnesses sometimes associated with a low carb diet. It is also known to be useful in helping diabetics and those with liver disorders due to its cleansing and sugar balancing attributes.

Some possible benefits of our raw Garcinia Cambogia powder may include:

Appetite control
Weight reduction
Reducing the body's ability to store fat
Helping with urinary & uterus conditions
Combating ulcers
Relieving conditions of the throat, chest colds, 
& cough

Supporting healthy joints & connective tissue
Creates a process in the body called thermogenesis
Alleviating constipation
Supporting healthy liver function
Helping with colic
Fighting intestinal worms, parasites, & Ebola virus
Combating some strains of the flu virus
Lowering cholesterol & triglycerides
Helping with catarrhal conditions of the throat, urinary system, & uterus

Try our raw Garcinia Cambogia powder  (Weight Loss Blend Click Here 2 Order) to boost your body's natural serotonin levels and get ready to get energized, lose weight and enjoy a healthier balanced diet.

Our raw Garcinia Powder is cultivated with no chemicals or pesticides.

Suggested Use: Mix 1 teaspoon with juice or water 30 minutes prior to meals.


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