5 Ways to Afford a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Eyes VS. Stomach: A lot of times our eyes are bigger than our stomach when we are hungry, so portion control is important. Understanding how many people are eating and how much they are capable of eating is important. Another thing I see people doing all the time is making one trip to the store and buying a lot of vegetables that end up going bad where it might be more effective cost wise to make many trips and get a few things to guarantee your foods freshness!

  1. Being Aware: Being aware of when you are hungry and just eating because you are bored or depressed. Making healthy choices can in the long run be cheaper. Eating whole foods will fill you up faster and keep you full longer. Baking your own potatoes in olive or coconut oil is much cheaper and healthier than buying a bag of pre-cut frozen French fries. Adding things like lentils and quinoa to soups, salads, and other dishes is another great idea, because these grains are very high in protein which provides energy and is also very filling.

  1. Stay Moving: Sometimes not being able to afford a gym membership can discourage people from thinking they can be healthy. Obviously just getting off the couch and being proactive helps wonders, but there are plenty workouts and exercises you can do from home with little or no equipment. Getting a good yoga routine can extremely help muscle recovery. Should you go pay for someone to teach you yoga? No! Look for free community Yoga in your area or search videos and pictures of different poses online. If you need cardio exercise do jump-n-jacks, dance to the music, or go jogging outside on the bare ground to avoid putting stress on the joints. (Which later could turn into an expensive problem!)

  1. Keeping your Mind Right: Staying hydrated is essential for the assimilation of nutrients in the body so you can buy all the healthy food you want, but if you don’t put the healthy water (distilled alkalized) you can forget feeling healthy. We used to buy distilled water from the store now we have saved up and bought a water distiller from www.webeatprices.com for only $70 that we alkalized with lemon, lime, or cucumber. Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to stay focused, cool, and content.

Think of Money Loopholes: My favorite thing to tell people is how to do make easy Almond Milk! Made with Almond Butter, so you do not need a cheese cloth.
    Instead of buying those expensive cartons of almond milk with all those filler ingredients and inorganic minerals (which can block absorption of organic minerals) why not buy one simple thing and can keep almond milk in the fridge for very cheap YEAR ROUND! Here is all you have to do:
  • Buy Almond Butter and have a blender handy. 
  • I have a magic bullet blender so I only put about a small tablespoon of almond butter in the blender, fill it with water, add a little honey, agave nectar, or alternative sweetener (not white sugar, splenda, or those little packets at coffee shops those ARE BAD for you!) 
  • Feel the freedom to add cinnamon and maybe even a dash of vanilla, we have dubbed this creation Liquid Cinnamon Rolls!  
  •  Another loop hole is learning how to ferment vegetables which are tasty and provide your body with nutrients and probiotics to maintain a healthy GI tract and immune system.
  •  Learning how to cook more is also going to cut out the middle man that you pay when you buy prepared foods!

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